

Miljalta otettua, poikkeuksellisesti englanniksi:

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

01. I love my hair right now.
02. I like the smell of oil pastels.
03. I have a very irregular sleeping pattern.
04. I don't like wigs.
05. I want to live abroad, at least for some time.
06. I pretend to know more about things that I actually do.
07. I hate when people type in all caps online.
08. My Christmas lights are not working.
09. I like it when people online spell correctly and use capital letters. Acceptable punctuation is nice, too.
10. I haven't missed a single episode of E.R. in six years.
11. I really, really love Samwise.
12. I envy many people.
13. Most of the traditional Finnish christmas foods are horrible. Yuck.
14. I'm glad there are some things I can't remember clearly about my life. (And there's lots.)
15. I don't eat very healthily at all.
16. I feel shy about my body.
17. I complain about never having enough time to get things done, but the real problem is that I lack motivation.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. Perhaps the biggest lesson I've learned this year is that failing is not the end of the world.
20. I check my email every day to see if I got new email, sometimes I check more than once a day.
21. I wish I were braver.
22. My voice is really loud.
23. I have a complicated relationship with my mother.
24. I've lied because the little white ones count.
25. I like my family.
26. I like the so-called teen-hells (teinihelvetit).
27. I have deep emotions.
28. I'm no more weird than the next person.
29. I've dreamed of having group sex with some people I know.
30. I'm sometimes too open for my own good.
31. And sometimes too closed.
32. Cats are nicer than dogs.
33. I'm a bit scared of kids.
34. I love the area where I live in.
35. I love movies.
36. I hate cleaning. It is a necessary evil.
37. I used to love maths, but now I really hate it.
38. I never cease to amaze myself.
39. I watch Daria every time I'm sick.
40. I don't want to go home and clean.
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.
42. I like men who are a bit out of the ordinary.
43. I really want to get a pair of red boots.
44. I spend too much money on everything unnecessary.
45. I think everybody's life should have a purpose.
46. I don't fit into any stereotypes.
47. White walls are boring.
48. I have a mole on my foot that I should get checked.
49. I love being online.
50. I don't feel like an adult yet.
51. I like silence at times.

52. I'm sure that I'm going to get cancer.
53. I wear glasses.
54. I laugh a lot.
55. I like being alone sometimes.
56. I like warmth.
57. I should clean my home.

58. I want to move somwhere nearer the equator.
59. I like when my friends write me letters and emails, it makes me feel special.
60. I want to dye my hair screaming red.
61. I love my freckles, even though I sometimes complain about them.
62. I sometimes smoke when I'm drunk.
63. I overreact about things sometimes.
64. I'm naive.

65. I love flying.
66. I wish I could travel more easily.
67. I have done wrong.

68. I have a problem with my weight.
69. I think GW Bush is a douchebag.
70. I don't read the news half as often as I think I should.

71. I don't get mad easily, but I can stay angry for years. I just don't know how to forgive.
72. My phone bill is too big.
73. I eat too much chocolate. Even the ones with orange filling which no one else seems to like.
74. I love black coffee.
75. Don Rosa is better than Carl Barks.
76. I am going to hell.
77. I love to read.
78. I accumulate books a lot faster than I can read them.

79. I like books that contradict me.
80. I love Chinese food.
81. I try to be as forgiving and truthful as possible.
82. I can be merciless.
83. I love hobbits.
84. I love crazy skinny hissing ex-hobbits.
85. I despise bullies.
86. I am female.
87. I am selfish.
88. Most of the time I don't have a clue of what I am doing.
89. My religious beliefs are custom-made.

90. I'm scared of trusting people.
91. I have slept on top of my luggage in a railway station's platform in India.
92. I'm addicted to my watch.
93. I HATE when computers freeze.
94. I think that nothing can be better than loving and being loved in return, wither it's your mom, your puppy, or your best friend.
95. I'm addicted to the net. ~_^

96. I love walking outside in the middle of the night.
97. I am an actor playing the role of Myself.
98. There are things in this survey that I didn't mean to tell.

99. I can relate to Bridget Jones.
100. I am done with this survey now.

Yllättävän vaikeaa keksiä faktoja itsestä.

[Jerry Lee Lewis: I'm on fire]