

1. Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought: If you don't count groceries, then it's painkillers, cup of hot chocolate, movie ticket and Elmo's birthday present.
2. Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water, coffee, cold chocolate (is that the correct expression?) and milk.
3. Last Time You Cried? I can't remember. I almost cried last Friday because I just couldn't understand the excercises of technical design.
4. What's In Your CD Player? Hanson: Snowed In, Kent: Vapen & ammunition, Lemonator: The Waltz, soundtrack of Lost in Translation and Scandinavian Music Group: Onnelliset kohtaa.
5. What's Under Your Bed? My table.
6. What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 12.20, I overslept.
7. Current Hair? Getting longer.
8. Current Clothes? White trousers and turquoise shirt.
9. Current Desktop Picture? Collage of paintings by Carl Barks.
10. Current worry? That I will fail the technical design -course, because the lecturer won't accept my last excercise, because it's late and I don't have a reason good enough. That would simply wreck my studies.
11. Current hate? The stupid course. I don't really hate it, generally it's nice, but still. Too much stuff to do.
12. Favorite Places To Be? Something where it's nice and warm.
13. Least Favorite Place? Probably the opposite of the previous answer.
14. If You Could Play An Instrument? I might want to learn to play the cello. And get my didgeridoo fixed.
15. Favorite Color(s)? Blue.
16. How Tall Are You? 160 cm.
17. Favorite expression? Ei liity.
18. One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Talk To: Some friends from upper comprehensive school.
19. Favorite Day(s)? Christmas!
20. Where Would You Like To Go? Australia. South America would be cool, too. Or Thailand. Or Prague. Or...
21. Where do you want to live when you get married? Somewhere close the airport, since I will hopefully work there.
22. Favorite food? I can'p pick one. Tortillas probably.
23. Color of most clothes you own: Red, I guess. I dunno.
24. Number of pillows you sleep w/? Two.
25. What do you wear when you go to sleep: Panties, and sometimes pyjamas if it's cold.
26. What were you doing 12AM last night: Going to sleep. I fell asleep probably around 3.30, though.
27. How old will you be in 10 yrs: 30
28. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years: Either working or taking care of a child at home.
29. Do you have braces? Nope, but I used to have.
30. Are you paranoid?! Sometimes.
31. Do you burn or tan? I burn very easily.
32. What is the brand of youf wallet? Billabong
33. First piercing/tattoo? I don't have any. I used to have earrings, but the holes got infected.
34. First enemy? I can't remember.
35. Last person you yelled at? I can't remember this either. I don't usually yell at people. Does it coun't when I yelled to various players during the Netherlands-Finland-match? Of course they couldn't hear me, but still.
36. Last crush? Depends on how crush is defined. Of course Elmo is the last person that I had feelings for, but we started to date immediately after we met.
37. Last thing you ate? Home-made rolls with cheese and cucumber for breakfast. I'm starting to feel hungry again.
38. The last time you had sex it was...? Great.

I might start to blog in English. My English is really rusty.