
Somehow I hope this is just a dream

But this is reality.

Elmo broke up with me. Just like that. Sure, I had sensed that he wasn't that happy with me, but I just thought I was paranoid. And yes, I had played with the idea of dumping him for the past few days, but still it was a surprise.

We had our problems, we didn't get to see that often, but I thought we could fix them.

I just don't understand why. With Heikki or Juho I knew why we weren't suitable for each other, but now I really don't know. Elmo was - is - suitable for me, but I guess that I'm not what he's looking for. I don't know if he can give me any explanation. I'm not sure if really want to hear it.

Well, he does pride himself for not knowing anything about sports and he doesn't have any lust for travelling (In the past three years I have been abroad as many times as he has been in his whole life.).

I don't know what to feel. I kinda feel nothing. I don't want to think about this. Not right now.