
No more chocolate

I threw a housewarming party for my high school friends on Friday. For some reason almost everybody brought some chocolate. So I've mostly eaten left-over chocolate this weekend, and I think I will throw up if I have to eat even one more bite of chocolate.

Weird, I've never had this feeling with chocolate, no matter how much I've eaten it.

The cruise to Stockholm was fun. I drank too much, but at least I didn't throw up, pass out or lose my memory, like last time. I found a great evening gown from Stockholm, I just can't wait to wear it. Well, right now it looks like the annual festivities of Euroavia Helsinki will be on 28th of May.

Some guy on the cruise stated that I would get a better boyfriend than Laura, because I'm more spesific (in Finland we have this thing called pilkunnussinta). WTF? What is a good boyfriend, anyway? It means different things to different people. He didn't have any sort of explanation.

Talking about boyfriends, I still kinda miss Elmo. :P

Right now my first choice for a place to study abroad is San Sebastián (Universidad de Deusto), the second in Gijón (Universidad de Oviedo) and the third is probably Delft (in the Netherlands, thay have a huge departement of aeronautical engineering). I'm not completely sure about where I'd rather go, Gijón or San Sebastián. They both lay on the northern coast of Spain, Gijón is in Asturias and San Sebastián in País Vasco.

Oh my god, is it raining outside?