

I just noticed, that you can spend one semester in Madrid. So that kinda messes everything up, I guess I'll put it as my first choice. The second one is San Sebastián and the third one Gijón.

Or at least I think so. I DON'T KNOW.

Will it be what I have dreamt? What have I dreamt? Is this the right choice? Should I go there next year, and spend a whole year? It would mean that I'll graduate in 2010, unless I will do my master's thesis in 6 months or so. And graduating in 2010 means that I'll have to study according to the new curriculum, which includes a bachelor's thesis. :P

Everybody says that I should spend one year abroad. One semester is not enough, or so they say.

I wish this was some snugglepoohbambiworld, where I wouldn't have to make any hard decisions.

I will apply now, and if I don't get accepted, I'll apply again next year.

I want to go, I want to graduate before the dreaded 2010. Kaikkihetimulle!!!1111!!!11

And about Pooh, I've never seen a cartoon as cute as Lumpy, the little heffalump in Pooh's Heffalump Movie. Awwwww. No, I haven't seen the movie, but I have a picture of Lumpy on my desktop.